SIDN Labs connected to SCIONLab through BGP-free connections

This allows us to experiment with and evaluate SCION without influence from the current Internet

We previously introduced the 2STiC research programme. In this programme, we're developing and evaluating mechanisms for increasing the security, stability and transparency of internet communications, for instance by experimenting with and contributing to emerging internet architectures as well as the existing (IP-based) Internet.

Experimenting with new internet infrastructures: SCION A national programmable infrastructure to experiment with next-generation networks

One of the emerging internet architectures we're looking at is SCION (Scalability, Control, and Isolation on Next-Generation Networks). SCION has been developed by the Network Security group at ETH Zurich in Switzerland, and its spin-off Anapaya. Last year we gave a short update on our SCION releated activities. Later, we announced that we were working on a BGP-free connection to SCIONLab, the global SCION testbed. The work was completed last week and we are now fully connected to SCIONLab through two BGP-free connections via SURF and GÉANT. This allows us to experiment with and evaluate SCION without influence from the current Internet (in particular BGP and the corresponding IP routing).