PAM2022: your chance to learn about the latest developments in internet measurements

A conference for researcher and operators, starts on 28 March, hosted by SIDN Labs

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The 2022 Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM2022) is about to start. SIDN Labs is proudly hosting this virtual conference, the seventeenth edition of which takes place this year. If you haven't registered yet, please hurry! Registration is free.

Well-established academic conference on internet measurements

The Passive and Active Measurement Conference is a well-established academic conference on internet measurements. SIDN Labs is proudly hosting the seventeenth edition, which will take place on 28 to 30 March 28 2022, on Zoom. PAM brings together researchers and operators to discuss novel and emerging work in network measurement and analysis.

Being a peer-reviewed conference, it has a Technical Programme Committee (TPC), which oversaw evaluation of the submitted papers and chose the top ones for publication. The TPC Chairs, Cristel Pelsser and Oliver Hohlfeld, worked with the TPC members and were able to choose thirty papers for PAM2022 out of the 62 that were submitted (48% acceptance rate).

The accepted papers are distributed across twelve technical sessions, covering topics such as DNS, DDoS, RPKI, Routing, BGP, peering, video conferencing and other topics.

We invite you to check the conference programme for details.

Keynote speeches from two renowned scientists

PAM2022 will also feature two keynote speeches. The first one will be given by Dr Johanna Amann from the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI). Her keynote entitled “Expect the unexpected: Lessons from a decade of passive network measurements” will cover the results of analysis of a decade's passive SSL/TLS measurements.

The second keynote will be by Dr Les Deutsch, from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). His keynote, entitled “The Deep Space Network: Connecting the Solar System”, will cover NASA's older-than-the-internet interplanetary communications network, which is used by all satellites (such as Hubble and James Webb) as well as probes (such as Voyager).

Excited and proud to host PAM2022

We are both excited and proud to be hosting PAM2022. As the operator of the Netherlands’ top-level domain (.nl), internet measurements are key to SIDN’s operations and so a conference like PAM is important to further strengthen the measurement community and to further advance our own knowledge in this space.

Also, we are heavily involved in network measurement research ourselves at SIDN Labs, which is part of SIDN’s mission to help further the security of the internet and contribute back to the community through our measurement papers and open-source tools.

Big thank you

Obviously, we are extremely grateful to everyone who is helping us to make the event happen. Without your help, PAM2022 could not take place. Thanks to all the organising committee.

Please don't forget to register! ,Just go to We hope you enjoy PAM2022!

We wish everyone a great conference! See you online.