Sweet! The folks of OpenINTEL at the University of Twente opened up two of their datasets last week. If you’re a researcher in the field of network analytics, then I highly recommend you check out their site Data Access tab.
OpenINTEL is a system that collects large amounts of data on the evolution of the internet by continuously taking snapshots of the DNS of several top-level domains (TLDs). The monitored TLDs include large gTLDs such as .com and .net as well the bigger ccTLDs such as .se (Sweden) and .nl (of course :-)).
What they have made available is the set of DNS responses that they obtained by sending a fixed set of DNS queries every 24 hours for every second-level domain name in the Alexa Top 1 Million and in the zone files of ccTLDs that publish their zones (currently .se and .nu).
SIDN Labs and OpenINTEL
SIDN Labs and SURFnet co-funded the hardware of the OpenINTEL system, which is operated by Roland, Mattijs, and Anna of the DACS group at the University of Twente.
Happy data analysis!