Internet Thesis Prize for Moritz Müller

We are proud to report that Moritz Müller, Research Engineer at SIDN Labs, has won an Internet Thesis Prize. The thesis he wrote about his final study project, SIDekICk, was selected by the expert jury for recognition in the category Internet & Technical Sciences.

Detection of phishing domains with DNS traffic analysis


SIDekICk stands for SuspIcious DomaIn Classification in the .nl Zone. The project was part of SIDN Labs' continuous quest to develop new ways of minimising the abuse of .nl domain names. Central to the work was the development of algorithms ('classifiers') capable of automatically detecting domain names in the .nl zone that are being used for abusive purposes, particularly phishing. Moritz’ thesis is available to read on the SIDN Labs website. In August 2015, Moritz also wrote a blog about SIDekICk.

The Internet Thesis Prize

The Internet Thesis Prize recognise outstanding final study theses on internet-related subjects. This is the first year that they have been awarded. The scheme is backed by Google, Brinkhof Advocaten, Greenhost and SIDN Fund and organised by the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. Moritz and his fellow winners will receive their awards at a ceremony on 15 April 2015. Prizes have been awarded in four categories: Internet & Economics, Internet & Law, Internet & Society or Humanities and Internet & Technical Sciences. Each winner receives € 2,000.