Internet of Things: opportunities, problems and solutions

Interactive Dutch-language webinar

smart city

You are warmly invited to take part in our Dutch-language webinar 'Internet of Things: opportunities, problems and solutions', from 3 to 4pm (Dutch time) on Thursday 3 September.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an increasingly visible part of everyday life. We already take smart lights, TVs and thermostats almost for granted. And a growing number of household appliances, including washing machines, cameras, robot vacuum cleaners and energy meters, now operate via (wireless) network connections. Outside the home, the IoT plays an ever more significant role in the fabric of the modern world, enabling smart power grids, intelligent transport systems and the like.

Downside of the IoT

Unfortunately, the IoT's rise has a downside. Some smart appliances, particularly consumer appliances, bring security risks. A smart lock that opens your front door as you approach is a liability, for example, if its digital security isn't up to scratch. Then there are IoT gadgets that report personal information to their manufacturers, or even leak it to the world. And who is actually operating the manufacturer's (cloud-based) infrastructure? Problems can also arise if IoT devices are recruited into botnets, which can then be used to launch DDoS attacks.

Possible solutions

The current situation could be improved in various ways. Possible approaches include:

  • Regulation and certification to ensure that manufacturers secure their products properly and provide security updates

  • Active intervention by internet service providers (ISPs) in response to abuse reports, such as quarantining domestic customers identified as sources of DDoS traffic

  • Active scanning of network traffic, e.g. by dedicated devices or by software installed on routers


Our Dutch-language webinar will explore the context of the issues posed by the IoT and the various possible solution pathways. We'll also talk you through the challenges associated with scanning and analysing network traffic. The webinar will be chaired by Cristian Hesselman, Director of SIDN Labs.


  • Jelte Jansen Jelte's main focus is the study and advancement of new technologies. He develops prototypes, such as the prototype for Security and Privacy for In-home Networks (SPIN).

  • Elmer Lastdrager Elmer has a keen interest in security and privacy on the Internet of Things. He does empirical and other research in the field of Usable Security with a view to identifying ways of making home networks more secure.

Questions welcome!

The webinar will be interactive: you'll be able to ask questions at any time using the chat facility. Questions will be answered live during the webinar wherever possible.


Participation in the webinar is free. Register now!