IETF 96 is taking place this week in Berlin, very close to the Tiergarten. In addition to the main programme, there was a series of pre-events over the preceding weekend.
Here's a summary of our presentations:
We presented our APWG ECRIME 2016 paper at the IRTF NMRG (Networking Management Research Group). The paper sets out a number of usage cases for our open-source ENTRADA platform for DNS data analysis. Download presentation
We also presented our Anycast vs DDoS Technical Report at the now chartered IRTF MAPRG (Measurement and Analysis for Protocols Research Group) in the biggest room at the IETF. The session felt rather like an academic measurement conference, with some very interesting papers that prompted a lot of thought-provoking questions. Download presentation
At the DOTS working group, we presented our IETF draft, which we've been working on with colleagues from France. The idea is to provide an opportunistic fall-back mechanism for flagging up DDoS attacks within a network. Again, we received some very interesting questions from the floor, which will help us to improve our drafts. Download presentation
We have co-authored an IRTF draft on the proposed Network Machine Learning Working Group, which was presented at this IETF as well. There was also a very interesting discussion on providing standardised labelled datasets for ML measurements. Download presentation
Another area of involvement is the new IRTF Human Rights Protocol Considerations Group. We have evaluated the group's draft-tenoever-hrpc-research-04, which is intended to help engineers design protocols that are sensitive to human rights issues. We are using the group's questionnaire to evaluate our IETF dots draft. Download presentation
In addition, we continue to work towards getting our EPP key relay draft adopted as a standard. The adoption is on the agenda of the REGEXT working group.We have attended various other interesting sessions and events. The Applied Networking Research Workshop 2016 (ANRW) was the first edition of a measurement workshop, at which both full-length and short papers were presented. The ANRW serves to get more academics involved in the IETF by ensuring that there is plenty of content of interest to them. The next edition will be in the summer of next year. The Thing-To-Thing Research Group (T2TRG) – which focuses on open research issues in the area of the Internet of Things – is another fascinating forum with a lot of promise.Naturally we are also actively participating in working groups that are directly relevant to our day-to-day activities, such as the DNSop Working Group. Anyone who believes that the DNS protocol is done and dusted should think again. There are quite a few developments in progress, particularly in the field of DNS privacy and security.There was an extraordinary section sponsored by the IAB on the Upcoming ZSK and KSK Changes to the Root Zone. ICANN and Versign led a very interesting discussion, in which the relevant considerations and the implications of the changes were set out. One of the issues raised was that larger keys will mean larger packet sizes, thus increasing the risk of packets being fragmented and lost by middleboxes. To address that issue, Versign Labs has developed a website where you can test your local resolver.Last but not least, IETF meetings provide an excellent opportunity to meet people face to face and talk to them about a wide variety of topics relating to the working of the internet.