We recently had a new article published in the magazine Privacy & Informatie, describing the experience gained so far with SIDN's privacy framework. The framework was developed in parallel with ENTRADA, our DNS 'big data' platform.
ENTRADA was conceived as a means of boosting our research capabilities and therefore our ability to further increase the security and stability of .nl. Naturally, we wanted to make sure that the platform operated in a way that respected the privacy of any personal data that might be processed. So, in parallel with the development of ENTRADA, we devised a privacy framework.
We have previously published an article describing the framework's conceptual basis and implementation: the nature of the data processed, the circumstances under which such data might constitute personal data, and the steps taken to ensure that all personal information is handled responsibly.
Eighteen months ago, we also established a Privacy Board at SIDN to roll out and administer the new privacy framework. The experience gained in the intervening period has been used to guide revision of the privacy framework itself. Various changes have been implemented with a view to increasing clarity and effectiveness.
Our article in Privacy & Informatie describes the experience gained to date and the resulting changes. The full article can be found on this website. An English translation is also available.